Hackers attack!

Posted on: November 1st, 2014 | Category: Site Updates

Thanks to someone flagging that the site had been hacked, I’ve now restored the site to its original status. The hacking was embedded advertising. Nothing more thank goodness.

It’s a sign of the times, that some person or people can break-in to your website and effectively spray-paint a lovingly-created canvas. This being the web, they get away with it. To me this is a waste of my time both trying to repair the damage these vandals have incurred and trying to find out how they broke in.

Paper on the ‘Achievement of Television’ published

Posted on: August 5th, 2014 | Category: News

The paper on ‘The Achievement of Television: the Quality and Features of John Logie Baird’s System in 1926’ has now been published in the July 2014 issue of the Intl J Hist Eng & Tech and is available at http://www.maneyonline.com/loi/het

The extract is available for all to view:

In January 1926, John Logie Baird gave what was considered at the time to be the first public demonstration of television. The image quality that people experienced can only be guessed; no details were released of the equipment and published reports were vague and inconsistent. Historians since then have been unable to add to the understanding and occasionally have confused the story through assumptions that are inconsistent with the available facts.

This paper explores the period around Baird’s first demonstration in detail using a new in-depth analysis of the original Baird equipment now in museums, and a new contextual analysis of the original published material. It describes the most likely status of Baird’s television system in use in early 1926 and the likely quality of what people experienced.


Sale of CD suspended

Posted on: May 6th, 2014 | Category: News

We hope to get the CD available as soon as practical.

Site restored

Posted on: September 18th, 2013 | Category: Site Updates

With the longest downtime in its 15 year history, the site is now up and with a new hosting company.

Welcome to the new style website

Posted on: January 27th, 2013 | Category: News

With this site being available since 1996 (first uploaded 31st Aug 1996) and tvdawn.com since 2002, the site has had a complete makeover that retains all the existing content, replaces much of the audio and visual with new better quality content and adds scope for me to extend the site more easily.