Data Content
Bonus Material: Disc 2: CDROM content
/Audio/ TOTAL AUDIO CONTENT (8h 32m 23s)
AudioArchive.txt—explanatory text (all files MP3 compressed speech at 32kbps)
- 0001-Astell-Fletcher.mp3 (46m 29s)
Betty Astell, one of the stars of the 30-line era, with her husband, Cyril Fletcher, who first appeared on the BBC high-definition service in the late 1930s. - 0009-1a-DRCampbell.mp3 (32m 10s)
0009-1b-DRCampbell.mp3 (30m 38s)
0009-2-DRCampbell.mp3 (48m 48s)
Desmond Campbell, who transitioned with Bridgewater from the Baird Company to the BBC, becoming ‘the father of television lighting’ - 0031-1a-JDPercy.mp3 (29m 54s)
0031-1b-JDPercy.mp3 (30m 09s)
0031-2a-JDPercy.mp3 (34m 23s)
Jim Percy, known as ‘Young Percy’, worked with Baird from 1928. - 0048-1a-THBridgewater.mp3 (31m 20s)
0048-1b-THBridgewater.mp3 (29m 16s)
0048-2a-THBridgewater.mp3 (12m 17s)
0048-2b-THBridgewater.mp3 (30m 39s)
0048-3a-THBridgewater.mp3 (28m 00s)
0048-3b-THBridgewater.mp3 (34m 19s)
0048-4a-THBridgewater.mp3 (31m 31s)
0048-4b-THBridgewater.mp3 (31m 04s)
Thornton H (Tony) Bridgewater, who joined the Baird Company in 1930, then transitioned to the BBC in 1932, eventually rising to Chief Engineer, BBC prior to his retirement in 1968. - Neil Campbell’s tape of his father describing Baird’s labs in Long Acre in Summer of 1930:
DRCampbell-Summer1930.mp3 (26m 27s) - Unknown origin, assumed RTS copyright:
ParrIntro.mp3 (4m 50s)
Geoffrey Parr introducing a Phonovision record. - A CD-quality MP3 transcription of Lance Sieveking’s disc of Carlos Gardel El Carretero used in July 1930 in The Man with the Flower in his Mouth.
Gardel-ELCARRETERO.MP3 (3m 02s)
/Video/ TOTAL VIDEO CONTENT (52m) (All MPEG-1 AVIs 25fps high bit-rate clips.)
- Baird’s Phonovision recordings (audio is the original vision signal) (total=17m 16s)
SWT515-4 20th Sep 1927 Stookie Bill
RWT620-4 10th Jan 1928 Wally Fowlkes
RWT620-6 10th Jan 1928 Wally Fowlkes
RWT620-11 10th Jan 1928 Wally Fowlkes
RWT115-3 28th Mar 1928 Mabel Pounsford - Phonostudio (animation) (1m 10s)
- “Looking In” 21 Apr 1933 BBC (silent). The world’s first TV revue (3m 39s)
- The Marcus Games Collection (silent)
W01 unknown content (1m 12s)
W02 unknown content (1m 01s)
W0308 Betty Bolton singing (1m 22s)
W04 woman singing (44s)
W05 man singing (1m 11s)
W060710 woman singing (2m 59s) - MRAD (silent) 1934-35 (4m 10s)
Both sides of the Major Radiovision disc partly-processed together with fully processed stills of the same material - TMWTFIHM (9m 45s)
1967 ILEA re-make of Pirandello’s The Man with the Flower in his Mouth (extracts) - SplitScreen (9m 47s)
extract from Video on Vinyl: Then and Now on the 54th episode of Split Screen aired on New York cable TV in 2000. © IFC, 2000
- The documentary transcript of “The Dawn of Television Remembered” (US & A4 printable)
- two on-screen read-only versions of Bruce Norman’s 1984 book, Here’s Looking at You and
- Don McLean’s original 1985 article on the restoration of Phonovision courtesy of the Royal Television Society
all as PDFs (Limited functionality as required by copyright holders).