Other Projects
The original definition of ‘television’, was literal – meaning seeing at a distance. And being able to explore different methods that do so, all using simple technology was an early personal interest. Before the internet made spanning the world of webcams as commonplace, all we had for remote viewing was radio in all its forms: UHF for analogue broadcast TV, VHF for weather satellite transmissions direct from the satellite and ShortWave for amateur slow-scan television (SSTV) and WEFAX – weather maps in a facsimile format.
The unusual picture transmission formats fascinated me enough to embrace building, home-brew hardware in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Consider this a sideshow to the main event of tvdawn.com, but here you’ll see several projects I’ve worked on.
- 30-line TV quality using hardware scan conversion
- G2TV – preserving Baird’s call sign (placeholder)
- Apollo 11 tapes – the sad story of the loss of the pristine original recordings of man’s first moonwalk (this is my own search prior to the very public US futile search!) (placeholder)
- Slow Scan TV from 1982 – an all-software approach (placeholder)
- VHF Weather Satellite images (placeholder)
- My first Imaging Computer, used for the above projects and for Phonovision (placeholder)